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Red Ribbon!


We're fourth in line! Getting ready!!

What a long, exhausting and educational weekend!  We were lucky enough to have my step-dad’s Scott and Seann in San Francisco this weekend.  They walked Beatrice and me through our first round of shows and were also amazing company!  We tried to do our best to give them the proper SF tour when we weren’t busy showing or prepping Bea for the show ring.  We made our way through Mill Valley, San Francisco and the East Bay.  We managed to show them our favorite restaurants (PIATTI, THE GRILL ROOM, BALBOA) Saint Francis Yacht Club, our new town and it’s surroundings, Alex’s office and of course, the backyard where Hen, Al, and Bea greeted them with open arms.

Scott grooming Bea

Scott and Seann grooming next to a seriously skinny non-Bea.

Bea's new friends.

Shows, day 2!

Bea earning a ribbon!

poofy puppy

With Scott and Seann in San Francisco!

Alex sailed by on TRUTH while we were at the Yacht Club!

The first few days of shows where an incredible experience.  Talk about jumping into a ring!  Neither Bea or I really had any clue what we were getting into but, thanks to some amazing coaching and a handful of confidence, we ended up not doing too terribly at all!  We learned many things during our first weekend of shows.  1- We’ve decided that Standard Poodles are funny looking but, are allowed to have dreadlocks, which is cool.  2- The Tibetan Terrier was gorgeous and could be our long-lost cousin. 3- We think it’s going to be much more fun to go to shows when it’s warmer out.  4-Weird men sell frozen liver at shows for far more than it would cost us to make at home.  5-Dressing fashionably makes no difference, although we plan  to work on changing that. 6-The dogs with their own RV’s are hitters.  We might need one.  7-My hairspray works really well on Bea’s coat.  You can only get it in Paris so, we’re ahead of the game there.  8- Real dog shows are oddly similar to “Best in Show”(the movie), which is worrisome.  9-Bea looked hot, which works for us.  10-Beating other dogs is SO much fun.

lil' whipper snapper



Tibetan Terrier!

Getting ready for RED!

waiting for the judge

Today, the last day of shows was THE MOST exciting day of the three, by far!  Although Friday and Saturday brought in ribbons which we are very proud of, today we won second place and were awarded a RED RIBBON!  RED, in our book is like climbing Mount Everest at a record time.  We couldn’t be more proud than to have been as successful as we were this weekend.  Not only did we win a RED ribbon but, we beat dogs and handlers who were far more experienced than we are and who have won a billion ribbons themselves.  What does this say to my little Beatrice and me?  Winning is lots of fun! We can’t wait to get back out there and keep giving it our all.  We plan to keep practicing, keep competing, and keep winning!

Bea loved the liver!



Winning the Red Ribbon!



I couldn’t be prouder of my beautiful and sweet Beatrice.  I also couldn’t  be more grateful to our cheering team Scott, Seann, Alex, Hen & Al for all their support.
