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All You Need Is Love?

Apparently not, according to some people.

I recognize that  my exposure to homosexual life at an early age helped me not to be ignorant of others’ right to choose who they love.  I would like to think that if I did not have a gay father or if I had not grown up in the fashion industry, I would have figured out for myself (sooner then later) that it’s certainly not for me to decide.

I’m baffled that discriminating against anyone is something still happening in this day and age.  There are people starving, dying of disease, living in poverty and yet, there is still criticism about the way people choose to love?  Can’t we all just live and let live?

My step-father (married to my dad before he died) put this picture on his Facebook wall and was very saddened to have many negative comments posted about it.

Like him, I feel that there is no reason to get angry or say mean things about those who are homophobic.  We need less anger in the world, not more.  I have faith that more and more eyes are opened everyday.  One day, when pictures like this are posted, there will be no negativity and it will only be seen as the loving photo it is.

Because at the end of the day, it really is true.  All you need is love.
